Inaugural Kickball Tournament!
Saturday May 13th, 2017 12-8PM
Come join us at our Inaugural Kickball Tournament and support EWB Alamo while having a blast! Anyone over 18 is welcome to create or join a team. Corporate and student team pricing also available.
Get your registration packet HERE. Registration by May 1st to guarantee team shirts.
Feel free to reply with questions or contact for more information. See you on the field!
Experience in engineering, project management, sustainability, international development, fundraising? WE NEED YOU!
Do you know any professionals or professors in San Antonio that have experience in any of the fields above? We are always looking for new members to contribute to the conversation at our meetings. Email president@ewb-alamo.orgfor more details.
The Alamo Professional Chapter is turning 2 years old! Come help us celebrate at Tilo Tex Mex!
In lieu of our monthly meeting, we're going to party!!! Actually, we're just going to have some food and a few drinks while raising some money for a good cause. It is a Tuesday night after all.
Bring your family, friends and any co-workers or colleagues that might be interested in learning more about EWB in a fun and relaxed environment. We will be in the back room from 6:00-9:00pm, so feel free to join us at your convenience. A portion of the proceeds of all item purchased from Tilo's (alcohol excluded) will go directly towards the Alamo Professional Chapter.
This is a family friendly event, bring the whole gang! We hope to see you there!
Don't forget, you can purchase an official Alamo Professional Chapter - Engineers Without Borders t-shirt for $20. Show your support and wear your EWB pride! Proceeds go directly to the Chapter. To purchase a shirt, contact Mary Gimon at
Experience in water engineering, project management, sustainability, international development? WE NEED YOU!
Do you know any professors or professionals in San Antonio that have experience in international development or sustainable engineering? We are always looking for people to present at our meetings. Email for more details.
Please park in the back lot and enter from behind the building (far right door past the shade structure).
As we kick off the next phase of work in La Chiripa, El Salvador we need to start focusing on our fundraising efforts.
EWB-USA San Diego and the Alamo San Antonio Professional Chapters have teamed up to help La Chiripa with the construction of rainwater catchment systems for each of the 25 families. We have built 13 systems to date and will be traveling in November to work on the next phase of completing the remaining 12 systems.
Paula has also set up our fundraising website. Please share the link on Facebook and LinkedIn or tweet about it on Twitter (#EWBLaChiripa).
Volunteers needed to attend the Southwest Regional conference in College Station. Interested in seeing what other chapters and projects are doing within the Region? Consider attending this year's regional conference! Scholarships available!
Where: College Station, Tx
When: October 9-11, 2015
For More Information: Click Here!
Paula will be giving a project presentation for the La Chiripa Team conference call with the EWB Technical Advisory Committee. This will be an excellent opportunity for Alamo Chapter members to get involved on a technical level if you are still interested in helping with this project! We are in particular need of engineers with structural experience for the technical Q&A to follow the presentation! Please contact Paula Stigler-Granados if you are interested in becoming a part of the La Chiripa Team. Please note, signing up does not obligate you to travel.
Experience in water engineering, project management, sustainability, international development? WE NEED YOU!
Do you know any professors or professionals in San Antonio that have experience in international development or sustainable engineering? We are always looking for people to present at our meetings. Email for more details.
Copyright 2015 EWB Alamo, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
EWB Alamo
9503 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78249